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Local Project Coordinator - OsloMet
I am a research professor at NOVA, Department of Youth Research. I received my PhD in International Education (2005) from Stockholm University in Sweden. My research works mainly focus on influential factors and long-term consequences of learning results, learning environment, social and psychological wellbeing of children and youth in education systems. My research interests also include issues of policy, economics and social inequality in education and in youth participation in Europe and in international comparison. Currently, I am a member of the Management Committee in the COST Action: European Network for Environmental Citizenship (2017 – 2021), a member of Editors for YOUNG – the Nordic Journal of Youth Research, and project manager of research project Democracy, Equality, Learning and Mobilisation for Future Citizens (DEMOCIT) (2020-2023) funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Learning outcomes, educational policy and school practices.

Researcher & Communications officer
I am a senior researcher at NOVA, Department of Health and Welfare. I am a Sociologist, and I received my PhD in Social Sciences in 2012 from Queens University, Belfast (Northern Ireland). My doctoral thesis was concerned with interpersonal relations between migrants and the various communities in Belfast. I am leader of the Norwegian Network for Migration Research, and a board member of the Nordic Migration Research. I am also a member of the Management Committee in the COST Action: Women on the Move (2020-2024). Since 2019, I have worked as assistant editor of the Nordic Journal of Migration Research.
Intra-European migration, highly-skilled mobility, transnational living.

I am a Professor at the Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. My research experience includes ethnographic fieldwork with children and young people. In my research I draw on interdisciplinary approaches focusing on the role of technology in the ecosystems surround children, language issues, marginalization in education, social justice, gender, education and youth. This work has taken a central focus in looking at the way in which education and more specifically teacher education can contribute to providing competencies for democratic participation. I am currently the coordinator of a large-scale European Research project funded by Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 870548) entitled The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation (DigiGen).
Inclusion/exclusion in education, teacher education, digital lives of children and young people.

I am a Professor at the Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. I have also worked for the University of Cyprus, Greek Open University and Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. My research areas include, among others, testing and assessment, differentiated instruction, multilingualism, lifelong learning and learning difficulties. I use mixed method designs and interdisciplinary approaches to focus on the role and ways of helping teachers and other stakeholders to conduct well-informed, contextualised and efficient learning and assessment environments that help reduce the integration challenges that immigrant, SpLD and all other children and young people experience in different educational environments. I coordinate various research groups, e.g., CBLA SIG – EALTA, EnA OsloMet, I am an expert member of EALTA and have been involved in EU-funded and other research projects (e.g., SCALED, NORHED, KriT, DINGLE, TRIBES, ENRICH, TALE, DysTEFL, PALM, etc)
Teacher education, assessment and evaluation, multilingualism, school practices.
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