KIDS4ALLL Exhibition – At "Hagalil" School

Toward the parents' meeting at the end of the school year, we set up an exhibition of the children's LU products as part of the KIDS4ALLL project at the school.

During the preparation phase of the exhibition - in class, we presented the idea to the children. They had to choose learning outcomes to share with the parents. The buddy checked their folder and decided together. They wrote an explanation next to the learning outcomes so the parents would understand the subject, competence, and what was learned. The buddies were helping to set up the exhibition with other maintenance workers at the school.

It is important to note that during the organization phase, the other teachers at school came to the children and asked them questions. Therefore, the children had to explain to the teachers, which was good practice for the meeting in the evening with the parents. Also, in the teachers' room, despite the pressure before the parents' meeting and the final preparations, there were spontaneous conversations with fellow teachers who complimented the initiative. We were happy and proud to be a part of this powerful project.

by Michal Meishar & Dolly Levi, Levinsky College

KIDS4ALLL Exhibition – At "Hagalil" School

At the parents' meeting stage - we set a schedule to have representatives from among the children. The teacher Leilla was at the exhibition because Nata and Hadar are educators and were required to meet the parents in the classrooms.

The general impression from the exhibition is that the children were very excited for the first time to present and explain to their parents everything they learned throughout the year at KIDS4ALLL. The children arrived dressed in festive clothes and, like teachers, stood proudly next to the stand and presented their products to their parents first and then to their friends.

The parents were very fascinated, and we saw in the looks of their eyes and their body language how proud and happy they were. The parents were interested in what their children learned and asked questions in general and why these study subjects were chosen, which are a rich addition to the curriculum. All the parents, without exception, emphasized the importance of learning these subjects, some with words and some with a smile and clapping hands, and the most exciting was that everyone took pictures. According to Leila, "I was a professional photographer for one evening"!

Principal Sigalit Yamin shared with us that some parents came into her office to thank the school for the initiative to join the international project and say that they are proud that the children are learning about everyday issues at school and for significant learning experiences.

It is important to note that some parents from immigrant families from Africa and Asian countries were very excited to see that the children learned, among other things, about the issue of immigration, about the difficulties and challenges of immigrants, and who is an immigrant. They felt that the school was trying to understand their trauma and difficulties. The meeting at the exhibition made the parents think they belonged to the school.

This evening, another bright spotlight was lit for the teachers, educators, and school administration.

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